lifetime costs
For reliable insights into the service life costs, an integrated systemic view is important. Not only of the service life costs but also of the operating, maintenance and replacement costs. Moreover, as the behaviour of assets is dynamic, we also take the changing conditons in usage, maintenance and replacement of assets over their lifespan into account. With the use of Asset Dynamics this results in an integral lifecycle cost calculation, including insights into bandwidths. Bandwiths that do justice to uncertainties over time.

optimal asset design
In the conceptual design phase of an asset, there’ s a basic need to calculate many variants quickly and reliably. With simulations we provide insight into the effects on the exploitation phase, like functional performance, costs, revenues, emissions, etc. These various aspects relevant to the asset are calculated in specialist software. Linking existing models to system dynamic simulation-models enables clients to get integrated insights, even unforeseen ones. Thus creating new ‘solution spaces’.
Asset Dynamics not only gives a coherent picture of the exploitation-phase of assets, but also shows the benefits of ‘early insight’, especially in the design phase. Sensitivity analysis provides clients insight into ‘highly effective levers’, the design parameters that must be closely monitored.
asset support environment
In general, adding new assets to an asset portfolio requires that the support environment (that keeps the assets up and running) to be re-designed. Insight into the maintenance and failure behavior of assets, before they enter the operational phase, is important. With lifecycle simulations Asset Dynamics can offer this insight, which in its own turn can support better decision-making. For instance on deciding on the maintenance workload, its distribution over the various organic units, and the optimal capacity required for this. Or deciding on parts to keep in stock, or on the replacement of (parts of) installations during the lifespan, as a basis for long-term asset planning. Asset Dynamics thus contributes to the design of the support environment required for the exploitation phase of the asset.
Get in touch
Together we work to improve your Asset Management. Please contact us and discover what we can do for your company.
our customers
cases we are proud of

Department of Waterways and Public Works
Due to a sharp decline in water quality in the lake Grevelingen, the need arose for a permeable flood defence: the conversion of the currently closed Brouwersdam.

Ministry of Defence
Defense equipment is technically complex, high demands are made on performance and both the investment and operating costs of this equipment are high. Defense operations always take place in a highly dynamic environment.
connect, understand, improve
The Copernicos approach is an integrated approach. Together with clients we look at the different invested interests and goals and try to look for mutual coherence. We connect (seemingly contradictory) ambitions, we map challenges and knowledge, all in order to better understand the cohesion. In mapping and modelling we make complexity visible by showing the underlying factors influencing performance. By developing scenarios we sketch a joint picture of what the future might look like. But also what needs to be done to get there, and why. Our clients are thus better prepared to deal with (uncertain) future developments and are in the meantime capable of making balanced decisions. Connect on your goals, understand the cohesion and make better decisions.