The Transition Expedition
We are on our way to an uncertain future. A future we can discover together and that we want to make more sustainable than today. A future we can shape individually, but also collectively. To do so, we need to make choices.
Just like an expedition, we can map out a route together. It’s wise to explore several routes, because we may encounter obstacles along the way and because an alternative route may get us faster to our destination. A proper preparation therefore consists of working through possible scenarios and strategies together. We not only train our decisiveness along the way, but also increase the chances of the desired outcome(s).
other insights

Futurologist en Copernicos
In a presentation by futurologist Richard van Hooijdonck I heard a number of things that correspond with the Copernicos vision. Van Hooijdonck outlines a development that is currently underway: the world is in a process of connecting in which parts react, interact and influence each other.

Data and System Dynamics
Tom Fiddaman of Ventana Systems on how data and System Dynamics can reinforce each other. Machine Learning does not solve everything and in combination with System Dynamics we can handle complex issues: